Would you like to have your say about the services available for children and young people?
We would like to invite you to take part in a short interview to share your views on what is working well about the services you receive, what is working less well, and how the services could be improved. The interview can be done over the telephone, by videoconference, or face-to-face depending on what you’re comfortable with.
As a thank you for your time in taking part, we will offer you a £40 gift voucher, which can be spent in a range of places.
If you’re interested in helping us improve services for children and their families, please click ‘Start’ below and answer the three initial feedback questions. If you would also like to take part in an interview, please enter your contact details in the following section. We will get in touch to discuss next steps. If there are more people interested than we are able to interview, the research team will review and contact those who have expressed an interest to ensure that there is a range of families represented.
The information you provide will only be held by Opinion Research Services (ORS), who are conducting the interviews on behalf of Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board. All of the information will be processed by ORS to comply with the latest data protection regulations and will only be used to inform this project. Any personal information that could identify you will be destroyed by October 2024. For more information, please see ORS's privacy notice: https://www.ors.org.uk/privacy-notice/.